mnultitool.matrix package


mnultitool.matrix.classification module



Checks if matrix is strictly diagonally dominated


Checks if a square matrix is symmetric


Checks if matrix is strictly diagonally dominated


A (ndarray) – the matrix to be checked


ValueError – If the supplied np.ndarray does not have exactly 2 dimensions or it is not square

Return type



whether the matrix is strictly diagonally dominated


Checks if a square matrix is symmetric


A (ndarray) – the matrix to be checked


ValueError – If the supplied np.ndarray does not have exactly 2 dimensions or it is not square

Return type



whether the matrix is symmetric

mnultitool.matrix.matrix module


eqSysLUAndSolveJacobi(A, b, x_init[, …])

Transforms an equation system using LU decomposition and solves the equation system using Jacobi’s method

eqSysLeastSquaresAndSolve(A, b)

Transforms an equation system using the least squares method according to the formula:

eqSysQRAndSolve(A, b)

Transforms an equation system using QR decomposition and solves the equation system using sp.linalg.solve_triangular

eqSysRectToSquare(A, b)

Transforms an equation system with a rectangular matrix of coefficients, to an equation system with a square matrix Note: both the matrix & the vector returned will be different from the inputs

eqSysSVDAndSolve(A, b)

Transforms an equation system using SVD decomposition and solves the equation system using sp.linalg.solve


Generates a Frobenius matrix for a given list of polynomial coefficients, ordered from the one next to the highest power of x, to the one next to the lowest (that is, just a scalar)

svdAndReconstruction(A, singularValues)

Generates an SVD decomposition of matrix A & reconstructs the matrix using these components and supplied singular values of matrix A

mnultitool.matrix.matrix.eqSysLUAndSolveJacobi(A, b, x_init, epsilon=1e-08, maxiter=100, checkNecessaryCondition=False)

Transforms an equation system using LU decomposition and solves the equation system using Jacobi’s method

  • A (ndarray) – a square coefficients matrix A of shape (m, m)

  • b (ndarray) – vector of right hand side coefficients b of shape (m, 1)

  • x_init (ndarray) – initial solution of shape (m, 1)

  • epsilon (float) – the desired solution precision

  • maxiter (int) – a maximum iterations limit (to prevent an infinite loop), a positive integer


ValueError – If either input is of invalid type, matrix A does not have exactly 2 dimensions, vector b is of invalid shape, b’s first dimension does not match A’s, matrix A is not square, x_init has an invalid shape, epsilon or maxiter are not positive integers, or matrix A is not strictly diagonally dominant (in such a case Jacobi’s method would not converge)

Return type

ndarray, int]


a tuple containing (in order): eq sys solution x of shape (m, 1), L, U, iter, where L & U are LU decomposition components and iter is the number of iterations passed

mnultitool.matrix.matrix.eqSysLeastSquaresAndSolve(A, b)

Transforms an equation system using the least squares method according to the formula:

A^T Ax = A^T b

and solves the equation system using sp.linalg.solve

  • A (ndarray) – a square coefficients matrix A of shape (m, m)

  • b (ndarray) – vector of right hand side coefficients b of shape (m, 1)

Return type

ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]


a tuple containing (in order): vector of eq sys solutions x, transformed matrix A^T A, transformed vector A^T b

mnultitool.matrix.matrix.eqSysQRAndSolve(A, b)

Transforms an equation system using QR decomposition and solves the equation system using sp.linalg.solve_triangular

  • A (ndarray) – a square coefficients matrix A of shape (m, m)

  • b (ndarray) – vector of right hand side coefficients b of shape (m, 1)

Return type

ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]


a tuple containing (in order): vector of eq sys solutions x, Q, R where Q & R are QR decomposition components

mnultitool.matrix.matrix.eqSysRectToSquare(A, b)

Transforms an equation system with a rectangular matrix of coefficients, to an equation system with a square matrix Note: both the matrix & the vector returned will be different from the inputs

  • A (ndarray) – the rectangular coefficients matrix of shape (m, n)

  • b (ndarray) – vector b of shape (m, 1), containg the right hand side coefficients


ValueError – When inputs’ types are incorrect or either shape is invalid

Return type

ndarray, ndarray]


tuple containing a square matrix of shape size (n, n) & a modified vector b of shape (n, 1)

mnultitool.matrix.matrix.eqSysSVDAndSolve(A, b)

Transforms an equation system using SVD decomposition and solves the equation system using sp.linalg.solve

  • A (ndarray) – a square coefficients matrix A of shape (m, m)

  • b (ndarray) – vector of right hand side coefficients b of shape (m, 1)

Return type

ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]


a tuple containing (in order): vector of eq sys solutions x, U, S, V where U, S & V are SVD decomposition components


Generates a Frobenius matrix for a given list of polynomial coefficients, ordered from the one next to the highest power of x, to the one next to the lowest (that is, just a scalar)

For example: w(x) = 5x^3 + 4x - 3 => coeffs = [5, 0, 4, -3]

    1     &            &           &                  \\
          &  \ddots   &           &                  \\
          &            &     1     &                  \\
    -a_0  &    -a_1    &  \dots   &    -a_{n-1}


ValueError – when the input is not a list, or the first coefficient is equal to 0 (and cannot be a divisor then)

Return type



the Frobenius array corresponding to the polynomial with given coefficients

mnultitool.matrix.matrix.svdAndReconstruction(A, singularValues)

Generates an SVD decomposition of matrix A & reconstructs the matrix using these components and supplied singular values of matrix A

  • A (ndarray) – matrix A of shape (m, m)

  • singularValues (ndarray) – singular values vector of shape (m, 1)


ValueError – When inputs’ types are incorrect or either shape is invalid

Return type

ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]


(U, S, V, M), where U, S & V are SVD decomposition components & M is the reconstruction of A